On average, what is the English level of non native English teachers?

Hi! Sorry if this question is a bit personal.

My question would mostly be if mostly everyone is CEFR C2 or are there C1 or maybe even B2 teachers as well? Since we are talking non natives I guess most are eikaiwas.

My concern is that I have just been scammed by ETS TOEFL home edition and got a score of only 105. (what's worse, only a 23 in speaking)

That puts me right in the middle of a C1, the same level I have obtained in a Cambridge CAE in 2019.

There is no doubt that 105 is way lower than what I deserve. Even if it sounds arogant, there is no way my score should be below 110 at the very least. I realize that this is a scheme to get my money but we digress, I am not here to rant.

So this has me wondering, do teachers that have to prove their level, so non natives, all have a C2?

I am in talks with Yaruki now waiting for a 2nd interview so maybe I am saved and I at least have the chance to build some experience with them and make a first step towards teaching in Japan. But if that doesn't work I am a bit worried.

I would actually dare to ask for some advice. Do I even mention the exam in my CV? I would risk having them ask me for a score then.
I could ask for a re-evaluation, but they could just slap the same scores for an excuse to not give any refund. Got scammed once, don't want it to happen again.

If I am actually scared for no reason and there are people with even lower levels, then I am sorry to offend.

Thank you for reading my long post!

by Radusili

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