Hey all! So I recently overpaid my pension by about ¥30000. I got the letter, filled it in and sent it by post.
Does anyone know how long it takes for the payment to reflect in your bank account? (It’s been around 5 days since I sent the letter in)
Any help is super appreciated _^
by FemboyVee
Are you talking about Kokumin Nenkin? It takes about [one month](https://www.nenkin.go.jp/faq/kokunen/seido/hokenryo/kanpujiki.html) from the time of receipt of the completed paperwork.
They do refunds monthly and the payout is mid month, afaik. Deadline for that mid month payment could be end of previous month. Plan for 5-8 weeks, imo.
I got mine after almost 2 months