Driving school starts tomorrow – tips?

TLDR: N2 noob signed up for driving school in Japanese, everything is new and confusing. Any advice for passing driving school appreciated!!

I completed the entrance ceremony on Saturday and will have my first proper day there tomorrow. To be honest, I’ve already forgotten most of what they said about taking/booking lessons and I can’t make heads or tails of the manual they provided, so I guess I’ll just have to wing it and take all the help I can get. My Japanese is N2 and I’ve never driven before so I’m going into this head first. I also chose the Japanese textbooks over English ones (¥800 vs ¥4000), but I’m kinda already doubting my ability after taking that odd test with personality questions because it was so fast! I’m not in Tokyo, or any big city, so there are no English-based driving schools anywhere near me.

If anyone can send positive thoughts or some advice, I’d be enormously grateful. I’m about to reluctantly gaijin smash my way through this, I can feel it! I really don’t want to be that foreigner but I might have to be 🙁

by Seraphelia

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