Selling Doujinshi at Mandarake

(NSFW Tag because doujins, idk if it's needed)

Hello, my time as a 留学生 is coming to an end soon, and I ended up biting off more than I could chew in terms of doujinshi and I need to get rid of some because I can't afford to bring them all home and I just don't care about all of them.

I found some old (decade+) threads about selling to Mandarake and that you apparently need a form of Japanese ID to sell to them, would my residence card be enough in this case? I don't care about making money from these, I just need them gone. Also, would I need receipts for them? I usually toss receipts as soon as I get home, and sometimes I never even got receipts from the cashiers. I might be overly paranoid, but I wanna make sure that the hour long trip to Mandarake isn't for nothing.

If anyone could share their experience with this, i'd greatly appreciate it as I have about a month and a half before I move out.

Thanks in advance!

by Lumyyh

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