Nintendo Store Tokyo and Other Places on a 12 Hour Stopover

Hi all

I am beyond excited that in September I have a 12 hour stopover in Tokyo on my way back to Sydney, Australia from visiting family in the UK. I arrive at 7:15am into Haneda Airport on Wednesday 11th Sept and depart at 7:30pm that same day. I have been to Tokyo before several years ago and can't wait to revisit, albeit a short stay. I really want to go to the Ninetndo Store (it wasn't there last time I was in Tokyo) so my plans are all based off that goal. I do have a few questions if anyone can help – even if just with one of them:

1 Left luggage

I plan to leave my hand luggage at the airport. Are there plenty of left luggage places and are they lockers or counter staffed?

2 Getting to Shibuya

I have of course Googled this and am aware of the options but any real life expericences would be useful as to the best option (train or monorail) and buying tickets etc. Also, assuming I make the Nintendo Store my first place to visit how best to exit the station and find it.

3 Nintendo Store

Visiting on a Wednesday am I likely to need a ticket to enter? And what time do they open? I would probably go there first if entry is still an issue but the downside of that is that I will then likely have a lot of shopping to carry round anywhere else. If getting in is no longer an issue maybe I should go to other places first?

4 Other places to go (shopping and food) in the area

Anywhere else I should have a look at? I also plan to go to Don Quijote but I am sure there are other good places to have a wander. And how about lunch ideas – where language isn't an issue.

5 Bags

Since I anticipate doing a fair bit of shopping I will buy another larger bag when there to put in my purchases in – size obvioulsy depending on how much I bought! What's the best place to get a cheap but strong bag? I will then check that in when I get back to the airport (JAL allows 2 checked bags, my other one will be through checked from London). I assume that shouldn't be an issue – anyone done this when one bag is already in the system?

Any other tips would be gratefully received,


by PlayfulSurround9489

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