Exchange program in Japan questions

I have 2 questions I’m a bit worried about!

For a bit of info I’m 15 and looking into doing a exchange year in Japan probably next school year . (I’d be a 2nd year turning 16)

I have a little problem tho!

The first problem is I have a pet bird (pigeon) I only just got him this month before I was planning to study abroad. I can leave him in the US , I payed for him completely by myself and my mom wont take care of him well I’m gone. + I absolutely do not want to leave him since I just got him.
I’m wondering if there’s a way I’d be able to bring him? I’m gonna be staying with a host family so I know it’s up to them if they will allow me to bring a pet (if I can’t I won’t stay with that family) but I’m concerned with the program if it’s even possible to bring a pet. Like if I mention to the exchange program that I want to bring a pet would they not allow it? I couldn’t find any information about it especially since I’m a highschooler not university student.
Along with that if I can get him to Japan does anyone know how travel would go? I know he’s definitely have to be quarantined for a specific amount of time as to not bring diseases. But idk how long since he’s a pigeon not a cat or dog, and I would want him to be as least stressed out as possible.

My other problem is regarding mental health. I’ve been researching and know it’s more of a taboo topic in Japan so would I possibly not be accepted to the exchange program. Apart from my social anxiety everything is super manageable with medication, so even if I get to go I need a psychiatrist or a way to get needed medication.
I really really want to study in a more rural location since I love nature but with the medication I fear that won’t be possible because less populated areas won’t have anywhere I can go (especially as a foreigner) . As for social anxiety medicine doesn’t do as much for me in cases like this but once I get all the stressful stuff out of the way and get used to my surroundings I’ll be fine .

I may have more questions later but this is it for now!

by Adventurous-Way-9023

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