Questions about a drivers licence renewal

I have to renew my licence as it’s my birthday month, but I haven’t received any reminder postcard. So, should I go to the office before my birthday or would anytime this month be ok?

  1. It’s unusual if you’re due for a renewal notice but haven’t received one. If you think you should have received one by now you should inquire at the license office or a police station.

  2. Is the address on your license current? The renewal period is two months, one month before your birthday, and one month after (it follows your birth date not birth month). But you should definitely have gotten a notification by now.

  3. You should receive one month before your birthday.

    Question: have you moved since getting your license and not updated your address on the license, at the new local police station which has jurisdiction over your new address (like your kinda supposed to do within 14 days after a move)? If so the it’s likely the post card got sent to your old address.

    If you did update address then that seems weird. Either way I’d recommend going to your local police station (just to clarify not koban)

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