Rainy season finally begins in Tokyo and other areas, 14 days later than the average year

Rainy season finally begins in Tokyo and other areas, 14 days later than the average year

by orange_transparent

  1. Does it mean the rainy season will end 14 days later too so that we can enjoy the “not-so-hot” cloudy weather a bit longer than usual?

  2. Huh? I thought rainy season was always supposed to be late June. Not that rainy season has been more than a few rainy days these last couple years anyways.

  3. I remember 3 to 4 days of straight up rain in June. It seems to me like the rain is really late this year.

  4. On a lightly related note, it has been rainy season for all of 2024 in the Netherlands, so it seems we’ve been snooping from your rain a little bit oops

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