spent a lovely night with a guy in Tokyo at the end of which he gifted me a pic with this written on the back, any help with a translation?

spent a lovely night with a guy in Tokyo at the end of which he gifted me a pic with this written on the back, any help with a translation?

by fiori_

  1. If you plug the image into Google translate, it says:

    “Dear Flora, The
    photo was taken in my hometown
    of Yamagata. It was a pleasure to
    eat Yamagata cuisine with you in Nakano some time
    ago. As Brian’s friend, I can trust him from the beginning,
    which makes me happy. “

  2. The gist is

    To Ms Flora

    This is a picture of my hometown in Yamagata. I was happy to eat Yamagata cooking in Nakano with you.

    Sorry I can’t read the next sentence but something about as Brian’s friend, I am happy.

    Of course he loves Italy, He’s your Japanese boy.

  3. Flora,
    Had a but one minute left to live, the memory of my evening with you would be foremost in my mind

  4. Hi, I’m not quite sure about the spelling of proper names, but I think this is what it says:

    Dear Ms. Flora

    This is a picture I took in Yamagata, where I come from. I was very happy that I happened to eat Yamagata cuisine with you in Nakano. They say you are a friend of Brian’s, so I could trust you from the start. It was nice.

    I guess you and this man had a great time 🙂

  5. フローラさんへ
    Dear Flora-san

    This photo was taken in my hometown Yamagata.

    I was happy I was able to have Yamagata cuisine with you earlier at Nakano.

    Since you’re Brian’s friend I could trust you from the get go.

    How grateful.

    of coulse I love Italy. I’m your japaneseboy!

  6. Dear Ms Flora

    This picture was taken at my hometown Yamagata. Pleasure to be having Yamagata cuisine with you earlier in Nagano. I could trust you from the beginning since you’re a friend of Brian. It was a pleasure.

    of course I love Italy. Im your japaneseboy!!!

  7. Pretty easy mate. “I like Italy. I’m your Japanese Boy”

    There’s few bits of info before that but this is the heart of the message.

  8. After seeing this translation I’m rooting for y’all to get married in like 3 years

  9. I keep reading this as a poem, and I love it. What a very sweet note, good luck!
    “Of course I love Italy. I’m your Japanese boy.”

  10. Japanese guy here and I’ve seen some bad handwriting but this is on the edge with readable or not.

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