I created a free Chrome Extension to help learn Japanese by replacing English words on websites

Hi everyone!

I created a free, [open-source](https://github.com/GoodPraxis/oumu) Chrome extension called [Oumu](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/uomo/kkhahmacbkjlohaicgacpjnbbcfldljk) \- the alpha version 0.0.1 of it was released today.

The extension works similarly to tools like Toucan by replacing English words on websites with their Japanese translations, but instead of using random words, it focuses on specific words from the Genki books. On hover, it shows you the translation, kana, and for the early chapters also the romaji.

After installing the extension, make sure to click on the Extension icon, enable it and choose the chapters you want to have enabled.

I would love to get some feedback from the community to help improve it!

  1. Great I’d like to be able to check the word list (word count) and be able to activate/disactivate a word from that list. Also be able to set the word learning priority by changing the background color e.g. Green I know this word / Yellow I have to learn this word / Default color.

    Maybe you could also make the word/kanji clickable and link to an online dictionary, wikipedia or a web search.

    I’ve realized when the extension is activated it messes up with what you type inside a web form maybe you can fix that. Thanks

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