Union City Blues: The Japanese government’s crackdown on the independent Kan’nama Union of concrete mix workers illustrates the fraught position of Japan’s labor movement in decline

Union City Blues: The Japanese government’s crackdown on the independent Kan’nama Union of concrete mix workers illustrates the fraught position of Japan’s labor movement in decline

by Hazzat

  1. Look at the battles between the LDP and the teachers union. The LDP (and therefore the government) have been trying to destroy any union that doesn’t toe their line for a long time.

    > In 1958, Kishi finally succeeded in installing the long-delayed teacher efficiency ratings system, allowing the Ministry of Education to fire teachers almost at will.[3] In the aftermath of this epoch-making defeat, Nikkyōso went into decline and began gradually losing members.[2]


    You can see continuing echoes of that in the demotion and punishment of teachers who don’t stand for the national anthem or don’t force their students to sing it in line with the 1999 law that they must and the 2011 supreme court ruling upholding it.

    This story is now 1.5 years old, are there any updates to it?

  2. Doesn’t anybody know about the story here? Is this sub serious?

    Rentai union is pro violence, pro revolution, pro north korea communist activists, basically zenshinsha/chukaku, not the labor union. Almost all of them are yakuzas. Is the author serious? I’m like…appalled that this sub had zero clue about the politics here. They aren’t helpless workers unions, they are violent criminal organizations.

    Other concrete/construction related unions and associations do not associate themselves with kannama.

    For example


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