Adult student shouted at me: UPDATE

So last week this happened.

I really appreciated all your support. Thank you. After reading your comments I decided to calmly face him myself and not expect an apology but to try to make him understand my perspective. As my boss (a 50 y/o woman) said “let’s pretend it didn’t happen and be happy!”

Then he instantly started talking to my boss in Japanese saying what annoyed him last week was the fact none of the stories were BBC. Lie. My Japanese is good so I interjected saying that wasn’t true. He started talking about one of the stories being from the Wall Street journal – I interjected “iie- BBC desu” and started to get up the video. I found it and it was in fact BBC. He accused me of finding the wrong video to “make him look bad” then searched the WSJ YouTube channel for 5 minutes searching for it – to no avail.

So my boss said “anyway let’s start the class”, he huffed and went in. My boss left immediately. I went in and said to him:

“can I have a word? I don’t feel comfortable teaching someone who thinks it’s ok to shout at me, considering that I simply followed my bosses orders and doing my job to the best of my abilities – do you really think it was reasonable to shout at me?”

Him “yes”

Me “how do you figure that?”

Him: “if I buy tickets for Mission Impossible, and am excited all week, then I arrive at the cinema and the ticket person tells me that I’m going to see a romcom. I can be angry at that situation.”

Me: “and when that happens you go to the manager right?”

Him: “yes”

Me: “- not, shouting at the ticket person”

Him: (blinking like a dumb person who realised they had a dumb analogy) “yes but I am in my right to be angry etc etc”

Cut a long story short, we went back and forth and he was adamant he was within reason to shout at me. I remained calm the whole time. And said
“well I don’t want to dwell, I’ve got a couple politics videos for us today, but before then I just want to agree on 2 things; number one, any future problems please go to my boss. And number two, do not shout at me again because I will not teach you-“

Him “right I’m going now.” Puts cafe de crie bag on the table with some sort of box of coffee inside as a gift(?) “I don’t want English Japanese relations – I came to listen to politics but I experienced politics and disaster”

Me: “all self inflicted.”

Him: “ok next week we should have a conversation all 3 people.”

Me: “great idea. See you then.”

I texted my boss but no reply. I feel like I handled it well but also just got that awful post convo with an arsehole feeling. Ugh 😣

by kanohipuru

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