Is finding work on a Working holiday visa possible without a degree?

Hi there

I’m currently 27, Canadian, and I do not have a bachelors degree, I don’t really plan on getting one since I don’t plan on moving to Japan permanently. I want to stay in Japan for 1 year before road tripping, and I’m going to have to work if I want to stay that long.

Is it possible to find work on a working holiday visa if I don’t have a bachelors degree? I’ve been thinking about signing up for a TEFL course soon, and getting some experience tutoring, because I’ve heard you don’t need a bachelors degree to tutor English.

My background is sales, I have around 8 years of sales experience (I’ll have around 10 when I end up going there) are there any avenues where my skill set would be to my advantage?
To be honest though, I’ll scrub toilets if I have to.

Can someone please provide insight as to how (if at all) could I find work in Japan?

by NarkolepticNeo

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Is finding work on a Working holiday visa possible without a degree?**

    Hi there

    I’m currently 27, Canadian, and I do not have a bachelors degree, I don’t really plan on getting one since I don’t plan on moving to Japan permanently. I want to stay in Japan for 1 year before road tripping, and I’m going to have to work if I want to stay that long.

    Is it possible to find work on a working holiday visa if I don’t have a bachelors degree? I’ve been thinking about signing up for a TEFL course soon, and getting some experience tutoring, because I’ve heard you don’t need a bachelors degree to tutor English.

    My background is sales, I have around 8 years of sales experience (I’ll have around 10 when I end up going there) are there any avenues where my skill set would be to my advantage?
    To be honest though, I’ll scrub toilets if I have to.

    Can someone please provide insight as to how (if at all) could I find work in Japan?

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  2. > I’ll scrub toilets

    There are more than enough arubaito type jobs out there. I’d say go for something a bit nicer like working at a trendy cafe. Even better if you look foreign (European), you’ll meet some people this way too

  3. Just print a degree off the internet. No one checks. There used to be one (based out of Canada) that offered fake degrees, a website, telephone confirmation service. It appeared to be a legitimate university, on paper at least!

    If you do fake it, try to get one with a transcript as well (course grades).

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