Japan govt. updates roadmap for ‘harmonious coexistence’ with foreign nationals

Japan govt. updates roadmap for ‘harmonious coexistence’ with foreign nationals

by teamworldunity

  1. Haven’t read it… But let me gripe.

    湾岸線 is ‘Wangansen’ why you translating it to “Bay Side Line” on the sign? Fok sake I’m driving at 80kph, in Tokyo traffic, my map telling me “Wangan Sen” while the green physical sign saids “湾岸線 Bay Side Line” making things confusing cuz oh this is “omotenashi”

  2. So clumsy and tone-deaf. It’s like they think “separate but equal” is a good thing

  3. Haven’t read the roadmap in detail, but judging by this article, it seems very one sided focused on the foreigners. it’s only mentioning the training, education and integration efforts towards the foreigners. Is there any framework for cultural exchange in BOTH directions?

  4. “Hayashi also asked the ministers to lay the necessary groundwork for foreign nationals to choose Japan as an attractive place to work.”

    From what I’ve heard and seen, they’ll need good paying jobs to entice foreign talent (we have the same issue in Canada).

    Truthfully, it’s one of the few things holding me back from even considering Japan as an option for long term employment. And given their present economy, I don’t think this will be doable for at least the near future.

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