Where can I learn about Japanese-exclusive phrases?

Like how in English we have things like “pales in comparison…” or idioms like “raining cats and dogs”, stuff like that. I was wondering if there’s a resource besides direct immersion to learn about such things

  1. There’s a whole bunch of them scattered about the place, and while I don’t know of a site that has them all compiled in a list, I would expect such a site to have all the same engagement and excitement as reading the dictionary.

    Immersion is going to be easier.

  2. Jisho.org has a couple of tags you might like

    * #id for idioms

    * #exp for expressions

    * #yoji for 四字熟語

    Also, so far I think there are a lot of words that are kind of like expressions. Like I just learned this yesterday: 独り占め and it is a する verb but it seems kinda like an expression is stuck in there to me. IDK.

  3. Maybe look up kotowaza or get yourself a kotowaza jiten. I think you may also like yojijukugo, I love when they crossover with ones in my language like 一石二鳥 🙂 sorry my signal was bad, apologies for any repeats

  4. Maybe look up kotowaza or get yourself a kotowaza jiten. I think you may also like yojijukugo, I love when they crossover with ones in my language like 一石二鳥 🙂 sorry my signal was bad, apologies for any repeats

  5. Maybe look up kotowaza or get yourself a kotowaza jiten. I think you may also like yojijukugo, I love when they crossover with ones in my language like 一石二鳥 🙂 sorry my signal was bad, apologies for any repeats

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