My Local Spot’s Rules on Sushi Etiquette

Place is Sushi Kisen in Arcadia. It's my go to and it's phenomenal.

by youngbreezy310

  1. Within 30 seconds? HOW? Unless you only order like two pieces of nigiri this is impossible.

  2. Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and keep mixing my wasabi with soy, unless they are serving real wasabi.

  3. With not biting it off… does that mean you should always eat each piece in one bite? Or just not put back a half eaten piece?

  4. I recognized that menu page immediately. Sushi kisen is also my go to. Unbelievably good!

  5. That’s fair. They make it clear it’s not mandatory, just some information on how it’s traditionally done

  6. I’ve seen tons of Japanese people mixing wasabi into the soy sauce when I lived there, esp. when it’s that lime green horseradish paste. Totally normal thing to do.

  7. Genuine question how do I dip it to soy sauce other than the rise side if there’s stuff on the top that will fall or contaminate the soy

  8. I think they should just make a poster with what TO do instead; it would be way shorter and less aggro

    I guess it would be something like a better version of:
    -A simple infographic of the types of sushi that says like what a roll is vs sashimi, etc with bullet points

    How to eat it
    1. if you use soy sauce, put a light amount on the fish side of the sushi and not on the rice (and what to do with a roll vs sashimi or something short)
    2. Keep your sushi whole and put it all in your mouth at once (maybe a short explanation why?)
    3. Eat ginger after if you want to (explanation?)

    Anyway, that’s what I (white, female, midwesterner) would do to be helpful instead of making rules

  9. Can I toss it across the table to my wife to catch in her mouth? Can I sharpen my chopsticks with a pocket knife and tape them together to make a fork? How many liters of sake is acceptable in the first hour of dinner? I NEED ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE.

  10. The only one of these rules I break on purpose is the “don’t mix wasabi and soy sauce” rule. I like the extra spice.

  11. How on earth are you supposed to eat it within 30 seconds? I guess if you only have one or two pieces (like a boat restaurant) but I usually get a plate that I definitely can’t finish in 30 seconds and I absolutely should not try. 🤣

  12. Yeah, so I’m still gonna tilt the nigiri into the soynducewith wasabi mixed in so I get soy/wasabi all over half of my rice and fish

  13. It’s completely acceptable to do sushi in multiple bites if it won’t all fit in your mouth.

  14. We need restaurants like this so all the people who care about this dumb shit can eat there while the rest of us eat in a way that makes us happy.

  15. I’d walk if I saw that on my menu even though I don’t tend to do any of those things.

  16. LMAO this is pretentious as fuck. When I lived in Japan we didn’t do half these things or give a shit

    Edit: after checking out, this place actually is a high end sushi place, so the etiquette is usually implied. Not sure why they decided to use such a tacky sign that looks like it came out of a takeaway place

  17. I ate sushi in Korea and either the guy I was with was pulling some kind of power move or they don’t eat it like Japan does but he just picked up the whole uncut sushi roll and ate it like a burrito made of seaweed.

  18. Every time I go to get sushi it’s usually with a decent group. Without fail there’s at least one guy that’s been to Japan a singular time.

    I always rub my disposable chopsticks to get rid of splinters and EVERY. TIME. that guy who’s been to Japan one time goes “you know, in Japan, it’s rude to run your chopsticks together”

    The last time someone said this to me we were in a Korean barbecue restaurant…

  19. Hi, I’m Japanese! That being said, most of these rules only really apply to more traditional eateries, while only some are the mainly followed ones (cutting sushi, passing from chopsticks, etc). The others such as eat within 30 seconds, don’t mix wasabi and soy sauce, and don’t chew sushi are pretty lax in most places. Here to let you know! (´∇`)

  20. Grew up eating sushi with my parents who spent most of their professional lives working in Japan. There was only one rule that they’d always correct us is to not leave the chopsticks in a bowl of rice.

  21. This sign is helpful and entertaining. Sometimes you can’t fit the whole sushi in your mouth though. I didn’t know about most of these.

  22. I thought omakase was meant to be eaten with your fingers not chopsticks?

  23. Next they’re gonna have a no jacking off sign in the bathroom.
    ” No more than two shakes allowed in the restroom “

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