Slaughter in Saitama adds to list of foreigners murdered in Japan, shines light on social issue

by Prestigious_Net_8356

  1. Yea this was talked about for a while around December in foreigner communities and here. Horrible.

    Not sure what social issue they are talking about. Hate against foreigners is common anywhere you go, it’s not a bigger social issue in Japan than anywhere else…

  2. Yes. Was well-covered at the time. He was a well-known executive. I had met him several times at American Chamber of Commerce events over the years. Incredibly sad course of events.

  3. Why are they trying to make what was a personal disagreement between a neighbor and a crazy person about some social issue regarding foreigners?

  4. Looks like someone wants to foment discord in Japan. Who would want to do such a thing.

  5. ***TOKYO — Tokyo was stunned in late December by the news of the brutal killing of longtime Japan resident William Bishop, a 69-year-old U.S. national, his 68-year-old wife Izumi Morita, and their daughter Sophianna Megumi Morita, 32. All three were found dead outside their residence in Hanno, Saitama, with multiple wounds early Christmas morning.***

    ***Later that day, prefectural police arrested the Bishops’ neighbor, a 40-year-old Japanese man named Jun Saito, at his residence around the corner believing he had bludgeoned the Bishop family to death with what was believed to be a hammer. Saito had barricaded himself in an upstairs room, and the police had to force their way in to apprehend him.***

    ***The authorities said they had received reports of a man in black clothing carrying what appeared to be a hammer as he left the Bishop home on foot shortly after the murders. They checked video cameras in the area and around the Bishop residence and discovered footage of a man in black clothing attacking a person.***

    ***Traces of blood on black clothing was confiscated at the Saito residence. Police also seized multiple potential weapons, including an ax, at the suspect’s residence, according to reports.***

    ***Although the three members of the Bishop family were found dead outside the property, blood discovered inside the residence suggested they were initially attacked indoors.***

    ***Police believe the victims were struck repeatedly due to multiple injuries found on their bodies which indicated a struggle. William Bishop’s cervical area was severely damaged.***

    ***There was a history of conflict involving Saito and the Bishop family, who had reported repeated damage to their car and property on half a dozen occasions, resulting in Saito’s arrest three different times, although Saito was ultimately not prosecuted in any of the cases. According to the Shukan Bunshun of Dec. 30, repair damage to the Bishop family automobile cost ¥1 million, forcing the family to keep their auto under protective cover in a garage behind a locked iron door. There were no reports of trouble with other individuals in the neighborhood.***

    ***When police first arrested Saito in January 2022 for damaging the Bishop’s vehicle,  they said that the Bishops told them they did not personally know who Saito was.***

    ***The house Saito was living in belonged to his parents, who reportedly moved out because of his violent behavior.***

    ***Prosecutors charged him with murder. Saito, in detention, denied the charges.***

    ***Although all the facts are not yet in, the suspect appears to be part of a troubled generation suffering from mental disorders, who dropped out of school and work in droves in the ’80s and ’90s, when Japan’s economic bubble burst, Japanese firms retrenched and downsized, and jobs were not readily available. The Japanese government has identified over half a million of these, so-called*** [***hikikomori***](***, social recluses, who live at home, passing their time on the Internet — the rise of which has contributed to their continuing isolation, remaining economically dependent on their parents, who, in turn, do not know what they can do to help their offspring find their footing outside of the household and try to hide what they view as an embarrassing situation. Hikikomori have failed to develop necessary social skills and are unable to adjust in a society that is very structured and sensitive to social stigma, one which fails to provide for social resources and professional treatment for mental illness, primarily because parents are too ashamed to seek it for their offspring.***

    ***This has become known as the “80-50” problem in recent years as hikikomori children from the post-bubble era are entering their 50’s and their parents are in their 80’s, becoming less and less able to care for them.***

  6. Hey Saitama police, you had already arrested the guy three times. Get your shit together

  7. What social issue? Crazy people? Compare murders per Capita here with other countries I’m not saying crazy people should be ignored but you’re blowing this out of proportion 

  8. Japan has a fifth the land mass but only half the population of the US. With the populated areas also having huge population densities. The “social issue” isn’t really unique to Japan. I would say it is less likely for a foreigner living in Japan to have a crime committed against them than a foreigner living in most other countries in the world.

    In other words… Your title implies that murder of foreigners in Japan is becoming endemic and a huge problem, but it hasn’t become more common or more violent recently, nor is it worst than comparable or incomparable nations.

    Point being, whats your point? This issue doesn’t exist, there is no hidden movement to murder foreigners. It happened and it was sad. Why bring it up here and now with that particular title? Karma farming? Hate mongering?

  9. Happened on Xmas near my house. Scary as hell and since then everyone in the general area actually regularly locks their doors. Doesn’t even matter that it was a foreigner, it was just a terrible day.

  10. I went to school with their daughters- this news hit us all so hard on Christmas morning. The younger daughter had just gotten married a month prior and was supposed to go off on their honey moon after spending Christmas with her family.

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