Advice on switching from eikaiwa to aLT while moving to a different part of japan.

Hey everyone,

My gf and I are trying to move closer to her family and are looking to move somewhere closer to Shikoku. We have talked and figure that Osaka, Okayama, or Hiroshima could be viable and possible areas to move to. I know that I will need to get my visa changed, but I have a couple of questions if anyone has made the switch before:

-Can I apply for an interview for ALT positions while on my current visa? Any interview tips about this point?

-It is crucial to our plan that I find a job before my gf. I know that the hiring season usually starts around September. I have used sites like GaijinPot before, but are there any other sites that you would recommend?

-I know driving is an issue for most ALT roles. I have a US drivers license. Would I have to get a Japanese license before switching to the role? I have heard about an international driver's license (?) but I'm not sure what that entails.

There are lots of other details in my situation, but I wanted to get a thread started to hopefully start talking about it. This is something I'm a bit anxious about, so I want to trying preparing ASAP. Thanks in advance for your time and help!

by LikwidCourage

  1. I think trying to get an ALT position is always up in the air every year because you hear stories here the BOE didn’t renew the contract with the dispatch company so there are mass layoffs or shuffling people around the end of the school year. There is no guarantee where you will be placed.

    Driving on an international driver’s license would be illegal for you since you are a resident. You need to convert your license to a Japanese one. Depending on which state license you have, it can be easy or hard to get a Japanese license.

  2. First which visa do you have?

    Second too little too late I’m afraid for the international drivers license, should have done it back in the states.

    If you’re on a visitation visa then no you can’t get a job.

    Go into hello work, I have also used Dave’s esl cafe in the past.

    I found that Hiroshima prefecture doesn’t have much to do in terms of entertainment, so keep that in mind. Osaka has Universal, Nara, and Kyoto so it’s a bit more fun.

    They hire year round in major cities on Gaijin pot, but mainly not for ALTs

    You being a foreigner is going to make getting an apartment a nightmare, so you need to discuss things with your girlfriend. Especially if she’s the only one who can put her name on it then you’re going to be SOL if you two have a break.

    Your best bet with driving is providing proof that you lived at least 3 months in the state you acquired it before leaving for Japan. Taking the written test (use the practice tests online) and the practical test. Keep in mind that the practical does not care how well you can drive. It cares how well you can memorize the course and listen to directions.

  3. Osaka is rough for ALTs. The main city uses C-Net direct hire and the outer areas of Osaka are often full and difficult to get. It took me ages to get an ALT gig out here. Eikawa work is much more plentiful in Osaka but I hate eikaiwa work. Saw many ALT openings in Okayama and Shikoku when I was applying two years ago when I was looking. You’ll have more of a chance.

  4. Hiroshima city itself doesn’t use dispatch companies. The E.S at Hiroshima city doesn’t have alt since couple years ago. I think they use JET at Hiroshima city. However you do have a chance to find an alt job outside of Hiroshima shi.

  5. “Can I apply for an interview for ALT positions while on my current visa? Any interview tips about this point?”

    **This isn’t a problem, but be aware that these companies like the path of least resistance, so someone who is already on the proper visa to do ALT work will probably be chosen prior to you.**

    “It is crucial to our plan that I find a job before my gf. I know that the hiring season usually starts around September.”

    **This is really, really early.**

    “I know driving is an issue for most ALT roles.”

    **Driving can be preferable, but I don’t know that I would say it would be an issue for most ALT roles. It depends more on the city in question than the schools a lot of the time.**

    Basically, apply to the companies now, indicate your interest in Shikoku specifically, and you shouldn’t have any issues. Working on the driver’s license might be useful, but I wouldn’t say definitely.

  6. You will hate the mandatory 3 week training 1 week zoom 2 week at a school. Many teachers quit half way through.

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