Japan Tax Free Bag Seal Impossible to Pack

Hey, I bought a significant amount of goods at Don Quixote, but some of the items are quite bulky. They sealed all the items in a single gigantic bag which is impossible to pack for me no matter how much I try. Because of this, I had to break the seal to be able to repack all the goods in a way that would fit inside my suitcase. Would I get in trouble for this?

I also had to throw away some of the snacks I bought tax free (like bulky air filled chips packages) because they took up too much space. I’m afraid that this would look suspicious at a customs check; is this fine?

On a side note as well, would pencils be counted as counted as consumables? I am not sure if I can break the cardboard packaging around them to pack better or if I have to keep the casing.


by Fortunaturus

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