♔♪ The Extravagant Contact / Group JET Megathread ♪♔

Hi all!

How’s your day going? I hope you’re doing well wherever you are!

Sorry for the wait!

**Due to popular request, we have opened up this megathread!**

Come, drop all your JET contact/group details, so that you may all connect with your retrospective areas and senpai ALTs.

**Any separate posts** made on individual contact / groups in the future **will be deleted**, so please use this thread to drop your info here!

Eventually I’ll get down to making a table where people can easily see these details on top of the page!
I will update whenever I have the time to do so.

But for now, please post the group/chats here!

  1. Kumamotoshi JETs? I see the Kyuushu discord but its says CIRs. Any discord for Kyuushu ALTs?

  2. I recommend everyone to join only the “main” Facebook/Discord/Line groups for your placement. They have current/former JETs who know their stuff. They know the most about your placement because they’re *actually* there. The info they say is bound to be the most accurate and correct. Sometimes it might contradict what you hear in orientations or from other incoming JETs (most JETs have subsidies and you’re bound to have cheap rent! when the people at your placement might have none) or (ex you can’t ever be alone teaching in the classroom it’s illegal! HAHAHAHAH)

    I found most of the consulate/freshly made group chats die 1 week after arrival.
    Most of them can turn into circle-jerks or can go too far in one direction (bias) before someone can say “wait, this isn’t right?”. Some turned into competitions into what omiyage they’re bringing and how much they’re spending. Also if you’re placement is not great or your housing is old, it will feel like absolute shit when you’re sitting on your dusty tatami mat while the other JETs post their brand new apartments and how their teachers are taking them out to here and there and they don’t have to go into school for another month.

    No problem joining them, just be careful and focus on what the current JETs say the most.

  3. If you are placed in Hiroshima (or Chuugoku region in general) feel free to DM me to join the discord server! This way you can be connected to other JETs in the area, plus have access to various helpful resources for incoming JETs. 🙂

  4. Are there any Discord or groups for the Gifu prefecture? Excited to get in touch with people!

  5. Anyone heading to Okinawa can join our Facebook and Line Groups.

    OkiJETs Facebook Group:

    OkiJETs Main Announcement Group:

    General Chat / Emoji group: https://line.me/R/ti/g/u5pSDcjIXh

    The main announcement group is basically what it sounds like, it’s for announcements from OkiAJET. It’s only for current or incoming JETs. Unfortunately that doesn’t include incoming spouses but they’re welcome to join the the general chat / emoji chat since we post announcements in there as well. The general is for anything like asking questions or introducing yourself, etc. It can get kind of spammy so I recommend putting it on mute.

    The Facebook group has a mix of current and alumni OkiJETs.

  6. Any Ibaraki groups/Discord/LINE chats out there? I’ve done some basic searching around and haven’t found much. I’ll hopefully be arriving in mid-August 🙂

  7. Howdy, folks! Got my placement for block 5 & it looks like I’ll be teaching in Fukui. Is there any sort of discord, chat group, or contact beyond the Facebook page? Any & all help is appreciated!

  8. Hey guys! Osaka-fu, Shijonawate-shi.

    Hoping to get in contact with someone from my city!

  9. Placed in Oita-ken! Any groups or chats for this prefecture/Kyushu?? Still awaiting city

  10. Incoming australian Fukushima prefecture JET! Iwaki specifically. Would love to connect with other JETs in the area if anyone has any links to specific discords/ FB groups 🙂

  11. If anyone is heading to Wakayama, feel free to give me a PM so we can send you a Line group invite 😀

  12. Any ibaraki prefecture JETS? Looking to make some friends in the area. Still unsure where I’ll be but would be nice to get to know some of you 🙂

  13. Hey there! My partner and I are incoming Tokyo JETs that have both been placed at schools in Hachiōji! Haven’t been able to find either of our predecessors yet 🙁

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