It seems that the weak yen is because people don’t want JPY rather than just interest rate difference

At first yen started devalued because of the interest rate difference between USD and JPY, but start from 2024, JPY keeping devaluing even US stop increasing interest rate. Inflation of US becomes optimistic since April's CPI release however JPY drops even further. So it seems that the weak yen is not because of interest rate difference, but people don't think JPY has value and don't want to hold JPY anymore. BOJ would never take action and the fact is they don't have anything can do. People is exchanging JPY to USD when they have extra money. I think even if US starts reducing interest rate, JPY would not increase too much. ~140 would be the new norm. No one wants JPY anymore.

How do you think? Let's discuss. I really struggling about how should I manage my JPY.

by keung1234567890

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