Is my Working Holiday Visa valid from when I get it, or when I get to Japan?

I know they’re valid for 1 year, but then does the year that I’m allowed to be in Japan start from whenever I get to the country? (As long as the visa is still valid)

Sorry if that makes no sense haha!

  1. Once your visa has been issued, you have 3 months to get to Japan.

    Your 1 year will begin when you arrive in Japan.

  2. Not to be pedantic, but the confusion about “visa,” “visa expiry,” etc. cause a lot of confusion so I want to correct some terminology.

    Your **visa** will have an expiry date on it. I thought it was a year; the other guy in the thread says three months. However, your visa **will be cancelled** as soon as you arrive in Japan. Your visa only gets you across the border. When they cancel your visa, they will give you a **status of residence** that will expire one year from when you arrive (I think for some places it’s 6 months, and then you can renew once).

  3. Just being pedantic here:
    The visa will be valid for up to one year from when you get it, but it is only valid for a single entry into Japan.

    When you arrive in Japan your visa will be consumed and you will be given a 6 month status of residence. You can renew this status of residence once (twice if you’re Australian) for an additional 6 months in Japan.

    It’s the Status of Residence that allows you to be in Japan and specifies what you’re allowed to do here. The visa is purely for that initial entry.

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