Language school in Japan while remote working

Im planning on starting language school in Japan next year on a mid or mid-high intensity school trough gogo nihon, considering ISI language school, I also have a remote contractor position that allows me to work from other countries, at least from the company perspective.
I have 2 main worries about this, one is if japanese laws would allow this under a student visa, even if only for 28 hours a week that would work for me, I suppose I would also need to pay some amount of taxes but I'm not sure how this process would work
The other thing I'm worried about is if it is possible to maintain that work load, im not sure how much will the school demand of me as for classroom hours and amount of study outside of class

Some more information:
I'm currently at N5 and studying to get N4 at the end of the year, my objective is to get to N2, I work as an automation engineer, I have 20k usd saved for the language school and life in Japan but I could get some more before moving, considering to study either in Tokyo or Osaka, my company would probably allow me to change my contract to a 28 hours one, planning to study in Japan for 1 or 2 years and decide if I want to stay there for work while I'm on it, I would probably be remote working on mountain time so that's late at night but hoping to change this to Spain time, not big about switching my position for a baito since I'm making 4k USD month and I'm not sure a baito wage would be enough to survive in Japan with the money I saved, but if possible I would be willing to do so


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