Weekly Praise Thread – 02 September 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. It turns out you have to watch Nope standing up, because it’s damn-near perfect.

    The Odd Taxi exhibit in Shibuya is short but really good. We went to our favorite restaurant for lunch after, so not a bad half-day away from work.

  2. Spider Man No Way Home is available to us via Amazon Prime for free. I just noticed it last night & think that’s new.

  3. Managed to get in around a 100km of cycling in Nagano despite the rain. Feels good to escape the city a bit

  4. Bit of a silver-lining thing, but due to my co-teacher needing a day off for a (minor) medical procedure, as well as previous plans made way in advance, I’m taking 2 more days of PTO and making my ‘silver week’ 10 days long, with lots of big plans like going to TGS, riding a shinkansen for the first time in a decade, a few days around Kyoto and capping it all off with a long-awaited tattoo appointment. On top of that, silver week traveling to Kyoto is suspiciously cheap. Nice hotels in pretty desirable areas were as low as 6k for 2 nights.

    The more immediate praise: Just gotta get through the morning before I hop on a train to Sapporo for Join Alive, the 2nd major summer music festival up here. Got my tickets sorted, and even have a local friend tagging along because there’s somehow still resale tickets available! Looking forward to seeing Kana-boon, Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, Man with a Mission, and a bunch more.

  5. I used to reply this thread before. I quit Reddit like 3 months ago after i joined crazyvideos community (was a video of a guy beating a baby).

    Now that my trauma is over lol. I start driving school from scratch in Osaka, got my permit license and almost finishing it. All good! Even with my bad Japanese I can understand and follow orders

  6. After reading a thread about cinemas in other parts of the world I am very happy to live in Japan where the cinemas are top quality. People behave well (except for a loud popcorn muncher now and then), they are clean, goofy sirenhead guy commercial. Just great! Just wish they occasionally would show older movies like they apparently do in the states.

  7. I’m so glad rent is reasonable here. My sister in the Seattle area is struggling to find a good affordable apartment, and anything halfway decent and comparable in size to my apartment is more than double what I pay.

    Edit: Ok I lied, my apartment is a lot smaller. Still cheaper to comparable ones. Lmao

  8. the obasan manager with a reputation for being kind of scary asked me for my enchilada recipe and then brought me some pears and tasty home-grown vegetables the day after in thanks. also pleasantly surprised by how many Japanese people around me like or even love cilantro, so I can throw it down heavy-handed on everything I make.

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