I’m a Job Hopper in Japan, need advice…

I'm on my 7th job here in Japan after about 12 years here.

I was at an amazing, stable company which was job #5 last year, and I wasn't going to leave. Unfortunately, a small, foreign-based company #6, coaxed me out of my nice comfy position with double the salary and a move up in my career…only to have layoffs 2 months in.

I was unemployed for about 6 months and was desparate for anything. So I took this marketing job at another small, struggling company even though I knew it was probably a bad fit and that it would be stressful as hell.

3 months in and they've laid off 3 people out of a team of 20 since I've been here.

I wake up stressed every day. I don't even enjoy my weekends. I feel the hammer over my head to make money for the company ASAP but I told them when I received the offer that I wasn't a sales person and would pass on the position if it was…but this is totally a sales job with me as the main sales strategist!

I think it's only a matter of time before I get laid off here. I have no mentor, and this place has made it clear they want a person who doesn't ask questions/ask for help, just make them money NOW.

I'm applying as much as possible but options aren't great and I've gotten the feedback that I'm a


so I won't get an interview.

I can admit that it's true but each of my positions 1-5 were a step up for me. And most of that time I wasn't looking, I got scouted.

And these last 2 jobs have just been horrible luck.

I've been kicking myself for leaving my nice, stable job…

Anyway, I'm wondering can I leave off some of my previous jobs and just combine the years from my last few positions?

Can employers see my whole work history from looking at taxes or national health insurance or is it just my last place of work that they can see?

by liliansorbet

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