Please help. Job offer in US but don’t want to leave kids behind.

US citizen currently living and working in Japan. Japanese wife and 2 young kids. (Kids are US citizens and have passports already)

Have received a dream job offer to start in the US in January.

Previously what my wife had looked up in Japanese was that she would first apply for permanent residency and then could get a K3 visa and come to US right away. However, after I started looking into it, it looks like K3 is obsolete now?

I am so stressed right now because it looks like the process of getting my wife (and subsequently my kids) into the US could take even years. I can’t imagine being apart from them for even half a year. But I also do not want to turn down this amazing offer.

Please help… I’m in tears.

  1. Do NOT apply for anything online yet. I had a similar situation earlier this year. There is a fast track for US citizens who have a job offer in the US. You have to get dispensation to apply directly with the embassy. DM me and we can talk about it in more detail. I had a job offer in February, we got the dispensation and applied in Tokyo in early March, and my SO had a visa in early June. 2 months.

  2. Go to the embassy and speak with them. Explain everything. It’s a dream job so don’t pass it up, bring the family with you. Worse case your split for a year or 2. Not easy but think long term.

  3. My opinion…

    Material gain is a hollow, hollow thing to pit against your family.

    That’s time that you don’t get back. You can’t rewind.

    What’s more important to your children ultimately?

    That they have a few more shiny toys to play with?

    Or that their father is present in their lives?

    That’s my opinion. I wouldn’t give up any time with my son for a “job”.

    Is your present employment sufficient? Can you come to some remote arrangement with the other company?

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