Setagaya Ward, Tokyo’s Struggle with Vacant Houses: Causes and Solutions

Setagaya Ward, a residential area in Tokyo, is grappling with a unique challenge. With over 50,000 vacant houses, it has the highest number of vacant properties among all municipalities in Japan. The local government receives around 200 inquiries annually regarding these properties.

Residents are concerned about various issues related to vacant houses, such as:

  • Safety Concerns: Abandoned properties are often in disrepair, posing risks of structural collapse or fire.
  • Pest Infestation: Overgrown vegetation and neglect lead to increased wildlife activity, such as raccoons nesting on roofs.
  • Aesthetic Degradation: Vacant houses often become eyesores, with garbage accumulation and unkempt gardens affecting the neighborhood's appearance.

Since 2021, Setagaya Ward has been collaborating with the private sector to address the vacant house issue. A one-stop consultation service has been established, providing owners with advice and solutions for managing or selling their properties.

Vacant houses can have significant economic impacts, leading to declining property values and reduced tax revenues for local governments. Moreover, the presence of vacant houses can deter potential residents and investors, further exacerbating the issue.

by fujiwara___

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