Doctor’s Note or write-up

I searched the subreddit but didn't find my answer.

So last year I was one step away from being non-renewed from my company because I had 6 "unexcused" absences, on top of the 6 or 7 excused absences I also had. A lot of it came from a week where I just didn't have a voice, and even when I called HR, they could tell I wasn't able to speak.

They summoned me to HR HQ at the start of this year to raise their concerns about my attendance. I had to get some clarifications. On at least two occasions, the doctors wrote me a note saying "please excuse him from work for the next 5 days." HR said that that wasn't acceptable and that I am required to go to the clinic and get a note EVERY SINGLE DAY that I want to call out.

At first this was alarming, because each visit to this clinic I had found was costing Â¥3,500… and since I'm not being paid for days I call out, that puts me deeper in the red. I was under the impression that subsequent doctor notes just confirming "yup, he's still sick" would only cost Â¥500-1000. I checked other posts here and found the word "shindansho"… is that correct?

So main point of this post…

I was sick yesterday, called out, went to a new clinic I had found closer to home… Â¥1,090. No issue.

I called out again today. Following HR's instructions, I went to the clinic and just told the lady using a poorly translated google translation that I just need a "continued absence note" for my employer. She has no idea what that is. Tells me to wait in the lobby.

Doctor calls me in. He's all confused as to why I'm here. "You were here yesterday. I gave you meds. Nothing's changed. Why are you here?" I show him the same message. He nods and tells me to go back to the waiting room.

I eventually get the bill. Now it's ¥4,000!!! What am I doing wrong here? Why couldn't I just get the same treatment and fee as the first day?

TLDR… company requires me to go see a doctor every single day I am sick. First day cost a very reasonable Â¥1,000… the subsequent day was four times that amount. What can I do/say to just get them to acknowledge that I'm sick to make company HR happy?

by xeno0153

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