Going to the onsen with scars

Hi! I’m visiting Japan soon and planning on staying at a hotel that has a built in public onsen. The only problem: I have very visible scars. I’m going to be blunt; these are self-harm scars from when I was a teenager. I’m in my 30’s now, but it’s still pretty obvious what the scars are from. I’m very self conscious about them, especially in a forgein country where I don’t know exactly what the customary reaction to seeing them is. I’m planning on covering them up when I go to the onsen with a basic fabric arm sleeve, but I’m worried about staff asking me to remove all clothing. What is the appropriate way to keep this as clandestine as possible? Or at the very least, what is a way to politely inform staff that I have unsightly scars I’d prefer to keep covered? I don’t know very much Japanese, so something simple I could use to explain it away would be helpful. Thank you!

by Ok-Worldliness2380

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