Tourist Immediately Breaks 34 Sacred Local Customs While Deboarding Airplane

Tourist Immediately Breaks 34 Sacred Local Customs While Deboarding Airplane

by Hazzat

  1. Just wait until he tries to look at Mt. Fuji from the sidewalk opposite a convenience store. Action will need to be taken.

  2. I want to test my strength by blocking a train door during evening rush hour. I am told I have the strength of 100 men.

  3. Act more like a local. Stand directly in front of the train doors as people are trying to exit. Walk 4 wide on the sidewalk so no one can pass. Forget to get your transport card out until you are standing in the gates.

  4. Other article is praising how it is amazing that tourism in Japan is 2nd biggest income to the country after car sales.

  5. Ironically last year at Haneda coming back from the US, I saw a white guy yelling at two Japanese women for standing on the left side of the moving walkways because “THE LEFT IS FOR WALKING MOVE OUT OF THE WAY”

  6. This reads like the rising wasabi. If it’s the same writer, well done on getting in the onion.

  7. > after unwittingly making several unforgivable mistakes in the airport restroom.

    What did he do? Wash his hands with soap?

  8. Even me as a Japanese person. I brake all the exact same rules every morning when I wake up to go to the toilet. Just ask my wife.

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