Should I go back to N5 and N4 material before moving on to N3 stuff?

I’m just about done with MNN 1 and 2. I’m going to progress to Tobira after this. I’m wondering if I should do some JLPT practice for the level that I’ve already “completed” in the textbooks, or if I should just move on and use that time to practice the more advanced stuff. I know certain things build on each other as you move on so idk. I feel like I couldn’t go wrong either way. But I want reddit’s opinion as to which is the better option

1 comment
  1. I would definitely move onto Tobira, if you just keep reviewing old material you’ll stagnate. That being said if wanted you could still pick up some N4/5 cram books and carve out a small amount of time to work through them. It should mostly be reviews so you’d move through them quickly and if there is anything you get stuck on you’ll know where to spend a bit more time reviewing.

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