Ticketboard name question

Hi all. I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with Ticketboard when it comes to differences in your name when it comes to the ID check upon arriving at the venue. What I mean is, when I registered for my account I stupidly input my name in katakana as I was using the Japanese version of the site, however my residence card has my name in roman letters so I'm wondering if this will be an issue. There was also no space for me to input my middle name which might also be a problem?

I do have a secondary photo ID which has my name written in katakana, but this also includes my middle name and isn't one of the listed types of required ID (it's only a student ID, so I'm not planning on using it as my main piece, only as a backup if absolutely necessary).

Anyone with experience – do you think I'll be able to enter the venue okay on the day? Any thoughts, please let me know! Thanks.

by gladiolos

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