Japan’s tourism is a victim of its own success

Japan’s tourism is a victim of its own success

by teamworldunity

  1. The tourism is fine.. It’s the local’s reaction to the tourism that’s the problem

  2. The biggest reason for the big surge in tourists is the Japanese yen.

    That’s it.

    It’s not a victim of success. It’s a victim of cheap currency.

  3. Just make tourist attractions out of random villages all around Japan, spread them around and make them spend money on some random stuff. It’s not going to last forever, so might as well make the best of it

  4. I mean a safe, clean, interesting country with a weak Yen is going to attract a lot of interest. I do feel bad for locals who feel overwhelmed by it though. Hopefully the government can find some solutions to keep tourism for being so disruptive while still allowing it to bring in all the economic benefits of having people visit.

  5. > Japan has managed to multiply its tourist figures in 2023, making a quantum leap from three to 25 million tourists compared to 2022, according to data from the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO).

    Well duh, the country was de facto closed for majority of 2022.

  6. Let’s not forget the pent-up demand from the Covid lockdown years. It will get worse before it gets better. AFAIK Chinese tourists haven’t been unleashed yet.

  7. Depreciating currency, safe, modern public transportation. Compared to say the US, strong currency, crime every other place, unsafe public transport & v expensive car rentals, high restaurant tips….

  8. Japan is the 14th most visited country in the world. It really doesn’t have that many tourists.

  9. “We want your money, but not you. You’re dirty and foreign.” – Japanese Tourism Board

  10. Highest problem is, that 96% of the country is full of people don’t want tourism and most times only Tokio and a bit of nara, kioto or osaka can handle a bit of.

    With a system that spread people more over the land and make offerings to stay Elsewhere would be nice.

    Also don’t like tourism but made lot of advertising and Japanese influencers shouting out that Japan is open and best time visiting now and than having stuff like no foreign enter and more charging.

    Next move they want flood the world with anime and manga more than ever, but maybe we should Boykott that too.

    Even people who live there 5 year + with permanent resident make videos of leaving lately.

    Without, they will face Russia, china and NK alone.

    Have fun.

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