Not being available to go out for a whole month? Am I going to get flaked on?

Hi, I'm currently living in Osaka in a Sharehouse, moving to Kobe start of July.
I've had long conversations late into the night with the current housemates, and went out with one to an event and had fun eating and talking there. We discussed interesting things to do around Osaka, since we both like nature and hiking I suggested we could go hiking at some point.

Today I suggested going next weekend to one location she recommended, she replied saying she wasn't available next week but was available the second weekend of July?? That seems super far away from now, and also that's after I move out to a different house.

I understand we can't do the hike in the evening during the week, we need a full day on a weekend, but is this normal to plan ONE MONTH away? Is she trying to avoid saying no? I'm used to friends not wanting to do something saying they are busy and will let me know, but never giving me a specific reschedule, which in that case I get it, they don't want to go and I don't block my agenda for them.

by C0ldsideofthepill0ww

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