In Osaka for 2 days, where are some good places to eat?

I like western food. Wife likes western food but prefers Japanese food.

If y’all know any good pizza joints would love to heard them

Edit: will be near Universal studios

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  2. Can’t remember the street off the top of my head but downtown there’s a whole street with tacoyaki places that are amazing. Well, amazing if you like tacoyaki I guess.

  3. Token Eatery Bar Pizzeria was pretty good when I went. It was pricey but satisfied the pizza cravings!

  4. For pizza I like the following.

    Kuma Kafe near Kaiyukan.

    Imazato Craft Cafe about halfway along the shotengai that starts north of the Imazato station.

  5. For pizzas…

    If you are in Osaka today (or any Friday), Imazato Craft Cafe serves amazing pizzas in three styles on Fridays. Better go early, as they might run out.

    See more info on their Facebook page, which I can’t link because automod is a fascist.

  6. For pizza and beer, I found Pizza Bar Fullhouse pretty good. Imazato has way better beer selection, but as it’s mostly craft, it can get quite expensive.

  7. How about going to any branch of Kushikatsu Daruma? It’s a chain so there are many branches. It’s Japanese, but basically it’s food on sticks and deep-fried. Western people would love that too.

    The one in Shinsaibashi has a train to deliver the food

    Kushikatsu Daruma Shinsaibashi

  8. If you just want a quick no fuss meal, Pizzeria da Tigre (ピッツェリア ダ ティグレ) in Shinsaibashi.

    More than just pizza, Dal Brigante (ダルブリガンテ) in Fukushima.

  9. HUB kitchen in Oksaka if you enjoy “spice curry” type dishes. You can get everything from curry udon, dry curry kfc style chicken, curry burger, curry hot dog, curry pizza, briyani, and south Asian and Indian curry.


    Near America town in Osaka is a family run burrito restaurant called El Zocalo that makes one of the best burritos in Japan

    El Zocalo Burrito

    In America town there is a Korea street food stall called Oh My Chicken that sells fried chicken. Good luck, there’s usually a 1 hour waiting time and a really long line up to buy here. If you manage to savor it, you’ll never eat from kfc again.

    Oh My Chicken

    Saved the best for last… possibly the best Kushikatsu place in Japan is in Osaka and it’s called Yaekatsu, with the variety and that freaking melt in the mouth delicious crispy batter this is clearly my favorite place in Osaka. Take friends with you or meet people at the restaurant and make friends. Very genki atmosphere.


  10. Went to a place called サル食堂 in Osaka once.
    Their ビーフカツ was very good and very affordable.
    Not close to USJ though.

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