recs for 1 day in kyoto

hello everyone! we'd like to visit kyoto for a day from osaka (our hotel will be in chuo ward), and i'm arranging the itinerary but i don't know where else to go :') i would like some recommendations please 🥹

KYOTO DAY TOUR (Month of July)
Start day @ 8 AM. Ride train from Osaka to Kyoto (around 2 hours). Arrival to Kyoto would be around 10-11 AM (latest).

  • First stop: Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
  • Eat some street food if we want to.
  • Eat lunch @ Arashiyama Kijuro.
  • Go to Arashiyama Miffy Sakura Kitchen.

and from here i don't know what to do anymore >< I'm thinking of checking out the arabica coffee, or riding a train for another hour to get to nishiki market, but i'm unsure. also contemplating if we should just skip arashiyama entirely and go somewhere else instead since ive seen people say it was underwhelming (?) badly need help

i'm willing to hear some suggestions! p.s i don't mind going back to osaka late at night, trains stop at 12 am anyway :3

by bigbrainator69

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