Lost in taxation with freelance job (1万 above the limit and !!!)

I'm not sure I understand taxation well, but it looks because I declared :

売上(収入)金額 (雑収入を含む) : 1492357
Same amount in 差引金額

With 雑 費 : 180594

That gives 差引 金額 : 1311763

青色申告特別控除額 : 100000

所得 金額 : 1211763

The result, because I'm 1万 above 130万 I can no longer be on my wife's insurance because she changed companies this month. The new company refused to add me to her insurance plan. Until last month, I was still covered under her previous insurance.
I'm not even sure I will still be above this threshold this year.

And I have to pay 7万 in pension residence tax (didn't need to pay it before as I didn't earn enough).


I would have been happy to pay taxes even if it meant not earning more money. However, in this case, it seems that because I worked a bit too hard, I'll actually end up with less income. Is that correct?

by Benriner

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