Bank recommendations for WHV?

Hi everyone,

I arrived to Japan about 1 month ago on a working holiday visa (I’m Canadian) and am looking to open a bank account with either: **Shinsei, JP Post Bank, or Seven Bank.** My WHV is currently valid for 6 months but I plan to extend until a year.

I’ve been living off cash that I brought from Canada so far but I want to have a proper bank account so that I can transfer in money from PayPal. **(Paypal can be linked to JP Post and Seven but not Shinsei)**

I haven’t applied for a MyNumber card yet because I might move next month and the lady at city hall recommended I wait for the new address before getting it.

**Any recommendations/insights on Japanese bank accounts based on your experience would be greatly appreciated!!**

Also — I read on the Seven Bank website that you must have been living in Japan for 6 months before you can apply for an account. Is this true??

Thank you

  1. Seven bank wont let you make an account if you have been here less than 6 months. They denied me for that.

  2. The only bank I know that allows accounts before you’ve been here 6 months is Japan Post Bank.

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