I’m struggling in my new apartment… any advice very welcome

I know this is going to get downvoted to hell, saying that I’m lying or wrong, but I’m not here to cast judgement or change peoples minds, I’m really looking for some support.

I moved into a new place about 35 minutes from Osaka proper, in a UR apartment complex. I’ve met lots of lovely people like my next door neighbor and random, very kind, little old ladies just surprised to see me there… but lately about 5% of all of my interactions are just blatantly racist and it’s really starting to get to me.

I don’t want to go into a full story time, but everyday I go on a jog by the river. Today on my way home I was jogging into the complex and a woman jumped in front of me and started yelling that gaijin aren’t allowed here. I told her I lived there and she just ignored me and kept going on. I don’t know what to say or what to do, so I just put my head down and keep walking.

I never had this once when I lived up north of Kyoto and never once when I lived in the city, but it’s at minimum twice a month here. I know a lot of people will say it’s not a big deal or I’m misunderstanding this, but no matter what, it really hurts. I’m doing everything I can to never be a nuisance. I just work, I go to my shōdo class and I go to the gym. I don’t drink, I don’t go out, I’m never loud, I always keep to myself… I want to say something but it feels like damned if I do and damned if I don’t…

I don’t know… I guess there’s nothing to do except put my head down and keep walking, but it’s really starting to hurt. A lot. The first time it was whatever. The second time it stung a little. Now it’s starting to really seep in. I’m getting afraid to look up when I’m on the street and I just feel like shit.

If anyone has any experiences or any ideas, I’d be really grateful. Again, I want to reiterate that I’m not here to say anything about Japanese people or the broader culture or anything like that, so please, even though I know it’s coming, please try to refrain from the “you must be doing something wrong I’ve been here for x years and that’s never happened to me”.

EDIT: Thanks for all the helpful responses. I decided to go with what a few users suggested and just make a joke out of it. It really does feel like the only way I can come out of it smiling, and also in hopes of making them come out of it with a bit better of an outlook on foreign residents. Thanks again to everyone, I feel a lot more optimistic.

by Narwal_Party

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