Did anyone attend the MattVsJapan Ken Cannon webinar yesterday? 6/26/24

I've learned to have a cautious approach to anything Matt says and claims as truth nowadays because his sort of fear-mongering approach leave a bad taste in my mouth. That said I've still got a sort of morbid curiosity as to what "new techniques" he could possibly have come up with. I'm aware the whole not giving details is part of how he draws in his audience.
Last time it was an alternative to Shadowing called Chorusing (which ironically has helped my pronunciation a bit)
Is he planning on posting it anywhere?

by holyblackonapopo

  1. He’s a scammer and people who fall for it are gullible (including the whales as he calls it).

    The world will always have people like him.

  2. Ken Cannon stole money from me many years ago and I get angry whenever I see his name lol. Slightly my own fault for falling for such a scammer but wouldn’t go anywhere near him or people he works with.

  3. I actually meant to attend but missed it apparently. Looking back at the marketing emails, it stresses a lot of “emergency” and “personal responsibility” that if it honestly was that important of a content piece that it should have been posted for all to view and see.

    Maybe that will still be released and maybe it did have some legitimate info in it, but so far it all screams subtle sales pitch.

  4. It’s a continuation of the Project Uproot scam, but just to answer the question since I sat through it for fun, Matt’s new thing is as follows

    1. Learn exclusively through audio. Never ever read. Never ever speak Japanese. Never look things up in bilingual dictionaries (english synonyms aren’t good enough). Never look things up in monolingual dictionaries (as that would be reading)

    2. If you must look up a word. Do so by asking chatGPT in English to give you a definition of the word in English

    3. Do crosstalk (but he spoke as though this is not already a well known thing)

    4. Read manga in English and then watch the anime adaptation in Japanese to increase comprehension

    5. Pay him and Ken $3000 per year to tell you immerse more

    6. J. Marvin Brown is the new hotness. Krashen didn’t go far enough

    The “problem” and “emergency” was simply that he told people to read in the past

  5. I met Matt in Japan once. Dude felt really cringe. I felt he was the kind of guy to hide in the bathroom during lunchtime in high school.

    Can’t believe people still watch him. He is a complete joke in the community and hated by both Japanese and Foreigners.

  6. If I didn’t know this was a Japanese language sub reddit. I’d think it’s one of those finance scams. Crazy these people exist in so many different areas.

  7. If anyone has ever seen the Escaping Twin Flames documentary on Netflix, Matt reminds me of the guy running that cult.

  8. Not sure why you re getting downvoted, I also had a lingering curiosity for what he has coming up with

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