Transitioning from English teaching to IT, share your thoughts

Long story short: worked as a English teacher for a little over than three years in Saitamaken and now am going to get back to IT career (over 8 years of experience back in my country). The new job is in Tokyo at one of the biggest international IT firms around here (not a Japanese company).

I'd like to know what I should be aware of in Japan.
Frankly, I'm a virgin in the big city and have the idea of getting at my workplace and be surrounded by sharks (or snakes) that don't teamwork but only focus on their own interests and paychecks.

Some things that I have in mind:
– I don't know what to expect in regards to overwork;
– The salary raised substantially (50%) but my expenses might go up as well once I plan to move to Tokyo soon;
– Preparing mentally for the long train rides (how do you guys spend your time on the train?);
– The transition will be tough but I'm confident it will be alright.

Any other things I should consider?

Thank you very much for reading until here.

by AccomplishedSwim2998

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