Where do I find quality avocados in japan?

Hello, I live in Kanagawa prefecture, but since I’ve came to Japan I’ve never found a avocado as good as my home country.

  1. They have quite good ones at Life Supermarket. Sometimes as low as 100 Yen per Avocado. They also have those fancy nice looking ones for around 300 Yen. But for me the cheap ones are good enough

  2. I usually buy avocados that are still kinda hard, then put it a dark place for 2 days and by then it’s ok.

    I’ve had no luck finding them perfect just in the store. Too soft or two hard. Couple brown ones.

  3. LIFE has small 100 yen and bigger 300 yen ones.
    From my experience the 100 yen ones tend to be bland and sometimes a bit astringent.
    The 300 yen ones are delicious, melt in your mouth and have a nutty flavor.
    I always go for 300 ones if they are available.
    Yet to find a more tsfty avocado in japan.

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