Help and advice for Undergoing BA Mature Student


I currently live in the UK and am a mature student (Currently 25 years old and studying for a bachelor’s degree). I just have a few questions with options and moving to Japan, it’s been a thought for me for years with moving out there permanently relocating if possible.

I wanted to see with degrees and age and basically seeing if it’s worth me attempting to get in to Japan or if I should give up because its really too late for me.

  • Degrees: Does it matter what type of bachelor’s degree a person holds with chances of applying for anything like teaching? As in a person having a bachelor’s degree in engineering is more desired and has better chances over someone who has a degree in illustration etc?

For context I’m currently in between a situation where my course has been cancelled start of next term and the uni has advised me that the next course closest to mine within topics and subjects would be a Games Design BA for 3 years. I did some brief research and saw a few posts about getting a job in that field in Japan is quite rare and unlikely. If I were going to undertake the Games Design degree I was hoping that with my previous jobs skills and experience I could push out into the IT field as a fall back.

I do also have interests in other BA courses like Modern Languages and Communication and a BSc course for Computer Science but was unsure if taking one over the other would grant me more success towards, an example being learning Japanese as a language subject in the Modern Languages course.

  • Age: I’ve seen that the subreddit rules listed 30 as the sort of the maximum age to qualify for a working holiday visa – Would this be the same for also teaching? Is there any sort of leeway to this? Just as finishing a degree would leave me at around 2 or so years from being 30. I was unsure if my chances are too low due to age by the time I get a bachelor’s degree if its even worth applying for.

I did notice that having a 10-year work experience is an option, however in my particular field of professional work I only have around 5 years’ experience so unfortunately that is not an option.

  • How does one from the UK go about learning Japanese? I’ve seen online classes that require a huge tuition fee. I’m guessing to be proficient enough in said language is to undertake a similar course and up with JLPT N Level certificate?

I would appreciate any input from people who have moved to Japan and or have been in a similar situation to mine who can offer advice and thoughts on what might be best. I understand


by that-guy-ash-is-cool

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