Company trying to force me to resign. Take shitty position or move on?

Throw away acc.I know there are a million posts like this but everyones situation is different so I hope you'll listen to mine and give me your beautiful advice.

I'm a 正社員 in Kansai and I was given the choice recently of quit and receive 1 months "thank you" for your hard work so far pay, OR have my pay cut 10% and my job changed to some sort of simple data entry (complete different from what I was doing).

The reasons they gave for taking away my position were very odd and they made no attempt to inform me when supposed problems (if they even existed) first appeared. No chance to make changes if there were issues and no real training either. My theory is that recent people who have joined the company have more related experience so I am seen as not needed anymore. Of course there is some fault on my end not fully grasping the Japanese way hierarchy and giving opinions on things when they were not wanted etc.

Anyway, I was going to just quit and wash my hands with it all, but today after reading around a bit I am unsure again. Maybe I should stay until I can secure a new job. Money is not too much of an issue and I'm fairly confident I can find another job in a month or 2. If I stay and they fire me (im not sure how likely this is but seems pretty likely judging by the way they spoke and don't want to hear anything I have to say) I stand to potentially gain a severnce package up to around 6 months? And I would get the unemployment benefit straight away.

The thing is they are obviously going to create the most unpleasant and mundane position for me to do in an attempt to get me to quit, which is all but too common I know and the other part that really hurts is that I was doing hybrid and now I would be forced to come to the office ( 1hr by train ) everyday. And it's summer…

Trying to weigh my options if it's best to just move on with my life or tough it out and maybe have to get a lawyer involved to deal with everything for months in order to get a good severance package. I'm really 50/50 atm.

by Due_Turn3760

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