Interested in a permanent teaching role

Hello everyone! If there are any problems with this post, let me know and I will do my best to accommodate!

I want to move to Japan long term… permanently if possible. The reason that I want to do this is primarily religious (I’m a Zen Buddhist) and the fact that things aren’t so great for me in the US.

Here are the relevant facts:
– I hold a degree in Mathematics from a State Uni
– I have been self-studying Japanese for 3ish years, and I am around n4, maybe n3 level.
– I have a mental illness (schizoaffective bipolar type). This is all worked out so there shouldn’t be any issues as long as I continue to take my meds
– I am a hard worker, and I have a decent amount of money saved
– I am a Zen Buddhist
– I am interested in pursuing more education

I was hoping to be able to move in the next 5 years. What are your thoughts on this? Thank you everyone.

by nihongogakuseidesu

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