Why don’t parents use bike trailers to transport their kids here?

We’ve been looking for a good solution to transport our two little ones to-and-from daycare, and we’ve been looking at those electric bikes with front and rear-mounted seats that everyone seems to use. They are quite expensive though, and they would be a pain for days I want to cycle without the kids. I had been thinking that is the only real cycle-related way to transport kiddos here, but then it occurred to me- bike trailers!
I saw some on Amazon JP that are about 2-3万 and even seem to work as a kind of double stroller without the bike. Why aren’t these popular? It appears they are actually safer, too. Anyone use a bike trailer? Pros and cons?

Edit: thanks for all the comments! Many have mentioned parking – that makes a lot of sense but not an issue for us (have a house, and daycare where we can park it). There were some really good comments about the weight distribution, pulling the weight, and having the electric assist. That’s definitely something to consider!
Sounds like the best option is to have one of both and use based on purpose. Thanks again!

by irishtwinsons

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