I’ve read 50 books and 500 manga volumes in Japanese within half a year (My progress)

It was worth it

Half a year ago I made a post with my current progress with Japanese, I think it is time to make my last final update, since I don't really care about them that much, since I have a mood to do it today, why not?

My original goal was to finish all visual novels by Mareni and some other obscure stories that are too hard, yet I couldn't do it because I got tired of visual novels, just like that I've quieted, and that would be the end for now, except it is not. I've completed additional 10 visual novels, the problem is, they are all nukige. I've finished 500 manga volumes, most of them are ecchi. Finally, I've finished 50 books, and not a single one of them is a sexual story.

抜きゲーム and エッチ漫画 stories or how I wanted to be like a guy who passes N1 just by reading nukige.

Don't trust yourself

After my post, I wanted to stop reading erotic content forever, but it didn't happened, so I started reading nukige novels, I didn't use a texthooker in a single one of them! When you are horny, you can overcome yourself an be a better person, but I have decided to read nukige. Motto haramase series was the one that I wanted to "finish". The series is like an AAA game, just in a world of nukige, however it was impossible for me to do it, simply because It is boring as fuck, I remember someone once said that this series is basically cornhub in the world of nukige – looks great, but zero plot. So I've dropped that idea and started playing other stories, for example a game that is Honoo no haramase april gakuen, same creators, but in a different company, I am proud to say that I was able to read and "finish" the story, sometimes it was even funny!

Another one entry is 美少女万華鏡 -忘れな草と永遠の少女- .I think that everyone should play the game for the real story, because it is tragic and unusual. It is a deconstruction of a regular main hero who will have all the girls and they will love him, sometimes, you need to face what you've really done.

I couldn't read any other visual novels, because I was bored to death by playing them, so I've started reading manga, The reason why I wasn't reading it at the beginning of my learning journey is simple – I don't wanna look up words by ocr or other similar shit, I wanted to read and understand from context, thankfully, reading visual novels helped me a lot.

I will mention only three series that I've read, because I liked them a lot.

Fairy tail, To love Ru series and 史上最強の弟子ケンイチ.

It is good

Fairy tail is honestly pretty entertaining, a lot of garbage are thrown towards the story, but I liked it a lot. Girls are great, fantasy world is not an isekkai, what else do I need? I've finished last 30 volumes within a day.


To love ru series is my guilty pleasure of all time as a manga. I've actually read it twice long before, both original and darkness, so I wanted to reread it in Japanese. I was surprised to see that there is a full colored version of both of the versions, so there were no reasons for me to not read it. In the end, I've read it twice. The original and darkness… Yeah, I don't regret it. The Darkness manga is better. Momo is the best girl.

What a journey

史上最強の弟子ケンイチ is a story about a regular dude who wants to be the strongest, the strongest apeal of the story is a true underdog. Like he doesn't have any special powers, his parents are regular people, he starts from zero (almost) and going up and up. The reason why I started is because of ecchi, of course. There are some of the hottest girl in manga that I've seen, so seeing them for 60+ volumes was a great time.

I've finished almost 40 different manga and dropped around 80 different stories. This is why I was counting volumes, not exactly manga. It is super easy for me to get bored.

Books, light novels and boredom. (Picture)

Read Kino no tabi, it is worth it.

I don't remember exactly the reasons why I started to read them, but here we are. Started around middle of the march, and today I've finished my 50th novel. Most of them light novels.

Personally, reading light novels are much harder than visual novels because: No voice acting, no pictures, sometimes you don't what happens and you can get lost, no ecchi.

The reason for starting was a series by the name of Torture princess. It looked and sounded great, yet I couldn't find till I joined one served and I think after that I was able to finally find it and many other stories without a lot of problems (Of course everything is legal)

So, first of all, I haven't finished any series till the end, because some of them don't deserve it. For example Konosuba, oretsuki, date a live, phenomeno, torture princess. I've dropped them all for different reasons, but in the end I would say date a live and torture princess might be worth reading, but I've decided to drop them, others are simply garbage.

The ones I've read and can recommend are:

Ksuriya no hitorigoto – I've read only two volumes. It's a bit harder because China, but I like it because mystery and great mc.

Baccano! – Reading the second volume now, but it is extremely fun to read, might a bit harder than a regular a slice of life.

Kino no tabi – my 50th novels was the 17th volume of Kino. Well, Kino was something that I wanted to read for a looooong time ago. Finally I am able to do that, it is good. The great thing about this series is episodic stories. Basically one chapter is one complete story that doesn't connect with another, if one chapter is garbage, that doesn't mean that the next one will, this is why it is impossible to drop it. Also it is quite unique.

Boogiepop – one of the fathers of light novels industry, authors like Nishio Ishin and Narita Ryogo were inspired by him. A mystery story about Shinigami, who kills people at their peak of life. "He" is not evil nor good, I would say he is beyond these concepts.

This is kind of it, I think I've improved my Japanese more by reading? Sounds right. Basically saying what I was able to finish within 6 months after the last update. Soon there will be 1.5 year since I've started.

Couple of advices:

  1. Read more.

  2. Don't be afraid to drop a book if you don't like it.

  3. Don't read something because it is easy or because it is hard, read because you want to read it.

  4. Jidoujisho is an app for android that lets you see looks up of novels that you read just by typing on the word. Very good app.

  5. Setting goals like reading 1 hour per day is a good thing that will help you.

  6. Less everything, more Japanese.

Bye bye

by Grouchy-Anything-236

  1. Hello, that’s a great post !
    Did you use SRS at all like anki or jpdb ? And for kanji did you study them in isolation and used apps like kanji study and outlier or learned them in words through reading ?

  2. Do you buy books and manga? If you do, do you buy digital or physical? I feel like novels are like impossible to read at the moment without looking up everything. Mangas are usually a lot more managable

  3. wow I read JP books too but I don’t read as fast as you

    50 books in half a year seems insane

    I never read a VN before and I barely read a manga though, I mostly read books

  4. I’m wondering if learning Japanese solely for consuming manga is worth it. Is reading light novels and manga much more enjoyable than reading in English?

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