Need advice. The company I’m working looks like it’s going to go under in the next few months.

Using a secondary account. Looking for advice.

Hi peeps of Japan life. As per the title, it looks like the company I work for (small IT company) is going to go under in the next few months. I won’t go into details but essentially there have been a lot of issues within the company but I didn’t have any knowledge of the same till about a month ago.
I joined the company earlier this year and I had no idea of any of these issues till about a month ago. I didn’t have any coding experience beforehand but I have been learning automation since I joined and mainly function as a software tester/technical support engineer but I also talk to potential foreign customers when needed. I also had planned on taking the JLPT N1 in December.

I would like to stay in Japan since I feel like I enjoy living here than back in my home country. For anyone who’s been in a similar situation before, I would very much appreciate some advice, just in general or job specific, on where I should go from here. Are there any job sites, recruiters etc that you could recommended? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve probably forgotten to give some crucial information but I’m spiraling into panic mode internally.

Thank you for the help in advance.

  1. Keep your LinkedIn updated, recruiters will flock in :v take a few interviews and see what kinda offers you get. There are other options like Daijob too (Hopefully others will explain these, as idk much)

    Good luck!

  2. Update your resume. Whenever I feel nervous about the situation at work, I do that. It might only save me 30 minutes in the future, but in the future I might be stressed out and applying for jobs hurriedly.

    It’s also a good idea to look at the job listings and see what’s available. Have things changed since last time you applied? Maybe they have a little bit. Maybe your experience gives you a few more opportunities now. Never hurts to go look.

  3. >I didn’t have any coding experience beforehand but I **have been learning automation since I joined and mainly function as a software tester/technical support engineer** but I **also talk to potential foreign customers** when needed. I also had planned on taking the **JLPT N1 in December**.

    So basically you have (at least a little bit?) of practical coding experience, some client-facing pre-sales experience, and I assume your Japanese is decent enough if you’re planning to take N1. Sounds like you’re a solid candidate (not John Carmack but solid and easily good enough to get your foot in the door).

    Like others have said, update your resume, be as detailed as possible about what you’re doing at work (obviously within the bounds of any confidentiality agreements etc) and you should be fine.

    LinkedIn, Daijob, CareerCross, even BizReach if you’re comfortable doing everything completely in Japanese.

    Best of luck and sorry to hear that your current workplace is potentially going to shit!

  4. I’m working at one of biggest tech company in Japan and we’re pretty much always hiring for all positions, automation QA included, DM me for reference when you need.

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