Flexibility on trial periods / working overseas until visa is issued

I have been applying and interviewing for tech jobs in Japan from the US and have even gotten as far as getting a verbal offer recently before it got rescinded due to not being on the same page on overlapping hours for the 3(!) month trial period. I was willing to go as far as 20 hours overlap per week but they wouldn't budge, even though we agreed part time work was possible before the offer was given.

The question for those who received and accepted offers for non English teaching Japanese positions the 'hard' way (from overseas, no spousal visa / citizenship / PR, no internal transfer, no fancy expat package), how common were companies who had trial periods and / or required you working from overseas until a visa could be obtained, and how flexible were they over the overlapping hours?

If the only option is to fully cave in and work the 40 hours JST, it's unfortunate because currently I didn't / don't see it being realistic due to the weak yen + difference in cost of living + extremely low salary + bad economy + timezone difference. If I'm to stay in the US I need to keep working my current job until I can secure the visa and move, especially if the full time offer isn't even guaranteed

by Antique_Pin5266

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Flexibility on trial periods / working overseas until visa is issued**

    I have been applying and interviewing for tech jobs in Japan from the US and have even gotten as far as getting a verbal offer recently before it got rescinded due to not being on the same page on overlapping hours for the 3(!) month trial period. I was willing to go as far as 20 hours overlap per week but they wouldn’t budge, even though we agreed part time work was possible before the offer was given.

    The question for those who received and accepted offers for non English teaching Japanese positions the ‘hard’ way (from overseas, no spousal visa / citizenship / PR, no internal transfer, no fancy expat package), how common were companies who had trial periods and / or required you working from overseas until a visa could be obtained, and how flexible were they over the overlapping hours?

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  2. My colleague joined as a software engineer from Europe but couldn’t move to Japan indefinitely due to COVID. He started working on his own 9am-5pm remotely and he would be online for only 1-2 hours of overlap with the team in Japan.

    Forcing you to work 40 hours JST on a trial period seems very strange from my perspective – a few hours of overlap should be sufficient to assess your ability.

  3. Not in tech, but I did not have a trial period and was not expected to work remotely until visa was issued. Contracts were signed, visa issued, then we moved. Job started after we moved (well, in theory. It was 2021, was still in quarantine).

  4. How are they paying you during the trial? Are you a contractor or are you an employee? If you are an employee, an employee of what company (the US branch)?

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