Finding a Job in Japan From Overseas

Hi! Found a couple of posts on this topic but they don't really match my situation.

I'm 22. I live in Belarus and have been working as a SEO content coordinator for 8 months now. Also graduated with Japanese studies major recently and been studying at Waseda for a year (MEXT). Lately I have been trying to find job in Japan (applied for like 300-400 job openings, both SEO-related and not), attended around 10 different companies' interviews butI never got past the second interview. I know it's not supposed to be easy but I'm trying to find a backup plan because I fear I won't find anything this way. The only other option I know is to go to a language school and start looking for a job when I'm already there but there are two problems. First, they require a paper from bank with like 1,5 million yen which is an enormous sum for my country and the second problem is that the earliest I can go is January and that's a bit too late for me (I'm afraid I could be summoned for military service in early autumn).

Are there any other options available for me? Not a native English speaker so no JET for me.

Would appreciate any help on the matter.

by Baka_Usagi

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